Complete the online application form
Please provide information about your idea in the boxes below, give it a name/title and provide a brief description. You can upload any supporting information you have to explain your idea in more detail. Supporting information may be provided in any format from pencil drawings or recorded verbal descriptions to 3D drawings and video.
The Review and Selection
The review and selection timeline of the ABTT Virtual Ideas Platform reflects the ongoing nature of this programme in reaching out to a wide range of theatre innovators.
You can submit your idea for consideration by the team of experts at any time of the year. This is to allow you time to develop the early concept of your ideas and prepare supporting materials to upload with your submission.
A selection panel will meet periodically each year to review the submissions, and to nominate the cohort of ideas to take to the next stage. You will be notified of these key dates. All information you provide will be treated respectfully and confidentially.
You may be asked to provide further information about your idea. You may also be introduced to a mentor to discuss and help develop your initial concept framework.